Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow, snow and more snow

It's still snowing. I think it's been three days now. I shovel and put on my big old mud boots from Taos days and go out to feed the chickens and the goat babies. It's freezing too. Nights down in the single digits. We put the goats in the big chicken coop with the chickens. I thought it was just too cold. They all seem to be getting along fine.

The goats come to the gate when I call "Here goat babies." It's so wonderful. They are the cutest.

Made a meager payment on my llama babies. I wish I could pay them off and bring them home, but we still have to put up a fence for them and build their barn. In due time.

The sun came out today and warmed up the house, but when I stepped outside it was still so bitter cold. But it's melting, slowly, and that makes me feel good. The path I shoveled on the patio is now dry and clean. I miss my 50 degree winter days. So do the little dogs. Poor things. Even with their coats on, they freeze in a matter of minutes and come limping to the door. They need little tiny shoes. I wonder if they'd wear them?

With this weather, there is not much progress on the goat barn or the fence either.