Thursday, November 14, 2019

Own It!

Photo by Antoine GIRET on Unsplash

of the material
is fleeting and ambiguous.

We borrow space
to simply be
in community

with seven point five billion
other souls
on our wonderous,
spinning home.

We all share
to care for one another
and our Mother.

Our occupation
of our Earth
requires an awareness

of our physical actions
and our mental energy

in planned reactions

to give and take
in conscious equilibrium.

Gaia weeps and waits
for balance restoration.

We are One in concert,
or annihilating our home.

We must live gently
in possession
of the space and place
where Nature exists.

In honor, we are grateful
for air and water and soil,

and remaining opportunity

to fight for our rights
to build a better future
for all.

It’s time now,
in world partnership,
to clean our house
and repair our home.

© 11.14.2019 K. A. Bennett. All rights reserved.