Saturday, December 12, 2020

Straight Edge


Industrialized Isolation (2000) by K.A. Bennett

Straight Edge

A simple line defined us,

separated us,

kept us true to form--

you on one side, 

and me on the edge,

trying not to fall into your uptight reality.

A line, the shortest distance

between two points--

me at one end of the Universe

and you at the other.

You could not tame the wild.

I could not color inside the lines

you drew around me

to contain my absurdity.

I jumped over your lines 

and played hopscotch

with your predictable boxes

until it became too much

for both of us.

My scribbled lines 

turned into a roadmap away

from you.

Now we stand

in separate lines

and wait for our lives to unfold 

in different directions.

You conform to the rigidity

you crave

and find comfort 

in your own predictability.

I scatter the lines like pickup sticks

and let them fall into chaos

I deliberately sweep away.

© 12.12.2020 K. A. Bennett. All rights reserved.

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